classic wedding photography - CT

Wendy and Fred {Vow Renewal}

Wendy and Fred were married fifty years ago. It was time for them to renew their vows. For their vow renewal ceremony and celebration, they were surrounded by not only their friends and family from their wedding, but this time, their six children, their six sons- and daughters- in-law, and their sixteen grandchildren could be a part of their wedding story.

Their first pastor performed the ceremony outside of the house they have made their family home. The pastor and his wife are good friends with Wendy and Fred, and it was very meaningful that they could travel to their house to be with their good friends. This home is special because it’s where all of the children, grandchildren and other family members gather whenever they can.

This was a truly special day for everybody. The butterfly theme was carried out beautifully. The live music was performed by family friends. The meal was a true feast.

Mr. and Mrs. Purdue, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your celebration!!! Congratulations and you are very much an inspiration to many of us.

pastorceremonyceremonyprayerceremonyvowslovekisstoastcenterpiece cakebutterflybridal partyfamilyextended familychildrengrandchildrengrown childrenadult children

adult childrenfirst dancedancevowvowvow

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