Congratulations to Colby, Class of 2022! I had a really great time photographing Colby and hanging out with him, his sister and his father.
Colby might be the nicest kid on the planet. You know what’s super cool about being a senior in his town? If you don’t have last period classes, you get to leave school early. You know what Colby has? No last period classes. You know what Colby does? He waits at school to drive his sisters home so they don’t have to take the bus. Seriously. We all need big brothers like Colby!
This guy is excelling in school this year. I won’t embarrass him too much, but he has been excelling in school since school for him started! His favorite subject is math, but he was quick to tell me that he wasn’t going to be a math teacher! He’ll likely major in math or business at whatever school is lucky enough to get him.
Busy is an understatement for describing what Colby does! Not only does he find time to keep his grades top-notch, he plays the baritone in his high school band. (Fun fact- He sits in front of my son!) And, as if that isn’t enough, he also is an awesome baseball player! I’m telling you. This kid has it all.
Colby, I am honored that I got to take your senior portraits and I wish you all the best in the coming years. I can’t wait to hear about all the incredible things you do!
Friends and family, please click below to leave Colby a message!
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Photographer: Melanie at mbm weddings- site, facebook and instagram
Colby, you are a very special young man AND sooo very handsome! Keep smiling and LOVE your life (as grandma would say ❤) Love, Aunt Leann